How confident are you in your parsing solution?

There are a few different ways that software can parse a resume. Some parsers use key words to determine what section of the resume is under review. For example, it may use date ranges to determine if it’s working on an employment or an education section. Another approach is using grammatical rules to determine the context of each word in the resume and then string these words into sentences to determine the meaning of the section it is analyzing. Some parsing software will also use numerical methods to identify the structure of the document. The most accurate parsing software uses combinations of all three approaches along with machine learning algorithms for best results. ALEX does just that.

In addition, a further feature of our world-class resume/CV and job order parsing software ALEX is its ability to return the confidence interval for a given employment record. Confidence ratings returned include employer name, job title, start and end dates, job description and the overall confidence rating for the position.

The confidence score returned by ALEX can be used in a number of ways. One application may involve displaying only positions with an overall score of 85% or higher. With ALEX, regardless of whether you choose to have the confidence interval returned or not, you can rest assured that you are using one of the fastest and accurate resume/CV and job order parsing software products in the global marketplace.