HireAbility Resume Parsing

The HR Tech space is huge, with many players and many disparate data needs. The one common denominator is people but the data points needed are often different. One size does not fit all. We at HireAbility can customize our world-class résumé and job order parsing solution to meet your needs. Almost every one of our over 100 data points can be customized for you. Want states in long form or abbreviated formats? No problem. Do you want to retain the Europass data about a person’s primary or native language and their level of fluency in foreign languages? No matter your data needs, we have you covered!

The HireAbility CV and Résumé Parser can process documents and return them to you in real-time (approximately 1-3 seconds) or in batch. Please contact us at sales@hireability.com to discover all our software has to offer.