Resume Parsing

Our lives and electronics are amazingly interconnected. For many even their toasters can connect to other devices. This weekend as a thought experiment I wrote a program that connected to all the Bluetooth devices in my house. I then used the HireAbility resume parsing API to parse resumes and job orders based on signals from these devices. The ease of integration due to HireAbility’s open parsing API made the tagline of this post incredibly simple. I literally made a bagel and then parsed a resume from the signal sent from my toaster. The only real question left is do I want cream cheese? Who am I kidding … of course I do!

The HireAbility Resume Parser can process résumés and return them to you in real-time (approximately 1-3 seconds) or in batch. Please contact us at to discover all our software has to offer.

-Shane Chubb, Sr. Sales Engineer