HireAbility Resume Parser and Job Posting Parser

HireAbility has the answer with cloud-based CV/resume and job order parsing software that is fast and accurate. HireAbility is the first in the industry to offer an entirely SaaS-based resume parsing solution, with 99.9% uptime tireless support, and attractive pricing for companies of all sizes.

This software service is optimal for ATS and HRIS, job boards, corporate HR, staffing and recruiting firms, independent recruiters, and social networks. HireAbility’s products are compatible with other software, such as CRMs. HireAbility supports many computer file formats including .pdf, .doc, .docx, .rft, and more.

We are confident that this is the resume parser you will want after a free trial. You can put the HireAbility CV/resume parsing through your own testing for 200 parses and valid for 30 days. No credit card is required.

Since 1999, HireAbility’s software and service have improved talent acquisition, cut recruitment costs, and improved marketing return on investment. Through its ALEX parsing/extraction software, HireAbility allows you to process and convert the world’s CVs/resumes and job orders into XML solutions for job sites, Applicant Tracking Systems, and HR information systems. HireAbility offers ALEX down to the desktop for recruiters using Outlook.

HireAbility is located in Londonderry, New Hampshire, serving clients all over the world.